

  • Michael Viega SUNY, New Paltz






这篇理论性的文章探索了聆听与创造氛围音乐的功能、结构、和体验,以及与氛围模式的偶遇(Jaaniste, 2007)。在以氛围模式的存在状态中,聆听者沉浸在周围空间无形的声音环境里(声音景观),并不经意的专注意识于周围环境的形态——即时即刻的感知在一个瓶颈空间中的存在感。对 于音乐治疗师来说,这也许意味着把健康中各种类型的“低保真”的声音景观协调引导到“高保真”的状态,并且使个体的、社区的、文化的、以及精神的存在感更 加真切。音乐治疗师能以创造性的聆听即刻进入氛围模式的存在状态。在音乐性的联结存在于音乐治疗中时候,这种模式会使氛围中的混沌变的具象。氛围模式的存 在状态对音乐治疗的实践和原理的启发将会在文中得到探索和阐述。文章也讨论了氛围模式在临床中的呈现以及其可能性的效果,这包括治疗师从神离或者忘我的状 态回到真切具体的感受的过程。

Author Biography

Michael Viega, SUNY, New Paltz

Dr. Michael Viega is an Assistant Professor of Music Therapy at the State University of New York, New Paltz. He has been a music therapy clinician for over a decade, working primarily with children and adolescents in urban areas who have faced extreme adversity and trauma in their lives. In addition, he is a Fellow in the Association of Music and Imagery. Dr. Viega has researched and presented extensively on the implications and applications of Hip Hop culture in music therapy. His dissertation, entitled “Loving my Butterfly Wings and me: A Study of Hip-Hop Songs Written by Adolescents in Music Therapy,” explored and analyzed songs written by adolescents who have had adverse childhood experiences and who identify with Hip Hop culture. He was also a keynote speaker at the 2013 “One Mic, One Movement: Advances in Hip Hop Therapy and Hip Hop Psychology.” He contributed two chapters on Hip Hop culture and music therapy for Susan Hadley and George Yancy’s (2011) seminal text, “The Therapeutic Uses of Rap and Hip Hop.” Dr. Viega strives to make Hip Hop accessible to people who might not readily identify with its culture, while also providing practical applications of its creative forces within a music therapy setting.



How to Cite

Viega, M. (2014). 以氛围模式聆听:对音乐治疗实践和理论的启发. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v14i2.778


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