Rassegna letteraria di musicoterapia per la prima infanzia tra il 1990 e il 2012


  • Kirsi Maaria Tuomi University of Jyväskylä Anglia Ruskin University
  • Esa Ala-Ruona University of Jyväskylä
  • Amelia Oldfield Anglia Ruskin University



Parole chiave:

music therapy, young children, early childhood, literature review


L'articolo esamina la letteratura musicoterapica dal 1990 al 2012, incentrata sui bambini di età compresa tra 0 e 5 anni. La letteratura include descrizioni cliniche, articoli di ricerca e capitoli di libri, pubblicazioni elettroniche e riviste scientifiche “peer reviewed”. In totale sono stati trovati 125 diversi testi che soddisfano i criteri di inclusione. Una semplice analisi quantitativa ha fornito indicazioni per un'analisi qualitativa più approfondita e comparativa. Secondo i dati, si è scritto più spesso sui i bambini più grandi che su quelli più piccoli. Storicamente, la prevalenza del lavoro individuale è stata spostata verso il lavoro diadico/familiare. I più comuni metodi attivi erano cantare e suonare con strumenti. I bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico (ASD) sono stati maggiormente rappresentati insieme a pazienti pediatrici e bambini con disabilità dello sviluppo. Le interazioni fra membri familiari e fattori positivi sono state enfatizzate, come è stata sottolineata l'importanza del divertimento e del piacere in tutti i gruppi di clienti. I risultati affermano quanto siano necessarie informazioni più specifiche sugli effetti della musicoterapia nell’infanzia. Inoltre, in futuro dovrebbero essere presi in considerazione settori di ricerca, punti di vista inter-scientifici e campi d'interesse comuni. (Abstract tradotto da Claudio Cominardi)

Biografie autore

Kirsi Maaria Tuomi, University of Jyväskylä Anglia Ruskin University

Kirsi Tuomi, MPh, is a music-, Theraplay- and DDP-therapist and a licenced supervisor working at her private clinic. Her clients are mostly foster and adoptive children and adolescents, and the focus is on working with the families and attachment issues. The clinical supervision actualizes mostly with the child protection professionals and foster carers. She gives lectures and workshops regularly on basic, advanced, and professional levels for music therapy students in Finland. She has presented her work in several national and international conferences and with a colleague she developed a national training program of family work for music therapists. She is a past executive manager and president of the Finnish Society for Music Therapy. This article is part of her PhD studies at the University of Jyväskylä.

Esa Ala-Ruona, University of Jyväskylä

Esa Ala-Ruona, PhD, is a music therapist and psychotherapist working as a senior researcher at the Music Therapy Clinic for Research and Training, at University of Jyväskylä. He has more than 25 years of experience in working within psychiatry and neurology. His research interests are music therapy assessment and evaluation, and in studying musical interaction and clinical processes in improvisational psychodynamic music therapy, and furthermore the progress and outcomes of rehabilitation of stroke patients in active music therapy. Currently he is the president of the European Music Therapy Confederation. He regularly gives lectures and workshops on music therapy both nationally and internationally.

Amelia Oldfield, Anglia Ruskin University

Professor Amelia Oldfield has worked as a music therapist with children and their families for over 36 years. She currently works as a clinician in Child and Family Psychiatry and lectures at Anglia Ruskin University where she set up the MA Music Therapy Training with a colleague in 1994. She has completed four music therapy research investigations and has been a consultant on two recent large music therapy randomised control research trials.  She has presented papers, taught, and run workshops at conferences and universities all over the world. She has published seven books and written many articles in peer-reviewed journals and books. She has also produced six training videos.



Come citare

Tuomi, K. M., Ala-Ruona, E., & Oldfield, A. (2017). Rassegna letteraria di musicoterapia per la prima infanzia tra il 1990 e il 2012. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v17i2.888


