


  • Angela Guerriero West Chester University, United States; Tempo! Music Therapy, United States
  • Carol Ann Blank Music Together, LLC, United States




家族音楽療法, 再統合, 離別家族


虐待やネグレクトで離散した家族は複雑なストレスを経験する可能性があり、小児期のネグレクトは子どものレジリエンスや発達にマイナスの影響をもたらしかねない(Jacobsen, 2017; Pasiali, 2012)。音楽療法は再統合を必要としているそのような家族のニーズに応えることができるが、治療を実施する上では社会福祉機関、資金提供者、サービス提供者との連携が欠かせない。本稿では、再統合プログラムで行われた2つの音楽療法グループの実践を描写し、実施にむけた臨床的および状況に付随する課題、また家族への効果について述べる。 

Author Biographies

Angela Guerriero, West Chester University, United States; Tempo! Music Therapy, United States

Dr. Angela Guerriero, MT-BC is an assistant professor of music education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.  She is the owner and clinical director of Tempo! Music Therapy Services in Nutley, NJ and West Chester, PA. She is also a registered yoga teacher and certified yoga therapist.

Carol Ann Blank, Music Together, LLC, United States

Dr. Carol Ann Blank’s research in clinical decision-making with parent-child dyads frames much of the work she does to support music therapists and others working with parent-child dyads. She designs programs and supports clinicians working in a variety of settings. Dr. Blank is also the Manager of Research and Special Needs Services at Music Together Worldwide where she manages the Music Together Within Therapy program and assists researchers interested in learning more about music, music education, and music therapy, early childhood population.



How to Cite

Guerriero, A., & Blank, C. A. (2018). 親と子の再統合プログラムにおける音楽療法: 実施の効果と課題. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v18i4.2601