Performing Wellness: Playing in the Spaces Between Music Therapy and Music Performance Improvisation Practices


  • Deborah Seabrook Concordia University


Palabras clave:

improvisation, music therapy, music performance, research-creation


This is the accompanying paper to an arts-based pilot project that musically explored interdisciplinarity between improvisation in music therapy and music performance. A culminating concert that brought elements of music therapy improvisation to the stage (available for viewing online) is where the vital learning from this project resides. This written piece additionally articulates philosophical, theoretical and practical concepts and questions that arose from the investigation. Elements of music therapy and music performance improvisation are compared, contrasted, and combined from within the author’s experience. The emergent potential of improvised musical performances for health and wellbeing is also discussed.

Biografía del autor/a

Deborah Seabrook, Concordia University

Deborah Seabrook MMT BMT MTA is a music therapy clinician and educator, and an improvising pianist.  Deborah specializes in music-centered and person-centered music therapy and has taught music therapy prolifically in Canada, at McGill University (2017), Concordia University (2015-2016) and Wilfrid Laurier University (2007-2014).  Deborah also works in mental health and with professional musicians and artists through her private practice (  Currently undertaking a PhD at Concordia University exploring music improvisation, health and wellbeing, Deborah lives in Montréal and makes frequent trips to the ocean.

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Cómo citar

Seabrook, D. (2017). Performing Wellness: Playing in the Spaces Between Music Therapy and Music Performance Improvisation Practices. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 17(3).



Exploring the Spaces Between Performance and Health