What Did You Expect?

Exploring the Roles of Clients’ and Referrers’ Expectations in the Success of the Music Therapy Process


  • Susannah Wettone Non-affiliated, UK




Expectations, therapeutic relationship, therapy process, assessment, client perspective





Author Biography

Susannah Wettone, Non-affiliated, UK

Susannah Wettone graduated as a music therapist from Anglia Polytechnic University (now Anglia Ruskin University) in 1999, completing her MA in music therapy in 2001. She began her career as an employed music therapist in special education. She has also worked in the NHS in adult mental health. Since 2004 she has worked for a music therapy provider in South East England. She has worked with adults and children in a variety of settings, such as schools, hospitals, day centres and residential homes as well as taking referrals from the community. Susannah has an interest in communication with referrers and the wider multi-disciplinary team and enjoys supervising music therapy students on placement. Her main areas of experience over the last few years are autistic spectrum conditions, pre-school children and, more recently, music therapy for parents and children.

Photo of author Susannah Wettone



How to Cite

Wettone, S. (2021). What Did You Expect? Exploring the Roles of Clients’ and Referrers’ Expectations in the Success of the Music Therapy Process. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21(2). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v21i2.2950


Reflections on Practice