Musica in un monologo concussivo


  • Simon Gilbertson Grieg Academy-Dept. of Music, University of Bergen, Norway
  • David Gabriel Hebert Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway


Parole chiave:

ferita alla testa, commozione cerebrale, auto-etnografia, scrittura collaborativa


I coautori, un musicoterapeuta e un musicologo che hanno subito una commozione cerebrale, sviluppano in collaborazione un'auto-etnografia che dettaglia l'esperienza fenomenologica della commozione cerebrale e il ruolo gradualmente crescente della musica durante il processo di guarigione. Lungo la strada, scoprono cose nuove sulla musica, sulla mente, sull'erudizione e su se stessi.

Biografie autore

Simon Gilbertson, Grieg Academy-Dept. of Music, University of Bergen, Norway

Simon Gilbertson is an Associate Professor of Music Therapy with the University of Bergen, Norway, where he leads the Grieg Research School for Interdisciplinary Music Studies. He serves on several editorial boards, is a contributor to major research handbooks, and co-author of the book Music Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Light on a Dark Night.

David Gabriel Hebert, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

David G. Hebert is a tenured Professor of Music at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Bergen), where he leads the Grieg Academy Music Education (GAME) research group. He is manager of the Nordic Network for Music Education, Professor II at Lund University, and Honorary Professor with the Education University of Hong Kong.

Photo of  authors Gilbertson and Hebert



Come citare

Gilbertson, S., & Hebert, D. G. (2021). Musica in un monologo concussivo. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21(3).


