Exploring the Use of Hip Hop-Based Music Therapy to Address Trauma in Asylum Seeker and Unaccompanied Minor Migrant Youth


  • Salih Gulbay Independent Researcher, Barcelona, Spain



Mots-clés :

Trauma, Hip Hop, Asylum Seekers, Youth


There are numerous young asylum seekers and unaccompanied migrant minors around the globe. A comprehensive literature review revealed that post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most common disorder that affects the asylum seeker youth and migrant minor populations. Many of these individuals struggle with PTSD and show resilience in their daily lives while also learning, discovering, and surviving. Accordingly, therapeutic interventions directed to them must be trauma-informed, phased, engaging, empowering, and impactful to support the needs of these young people. A seven-month-long music therapy intervention experience that was applied to young asylum seekers in Spain, and found that the most effective intervention tools were Hip Hop Therapy-related interventions. This study resulted in a new intervention model, The Integral Hip Hop Methodology. This paper highlights the importance that intervention models be engaging and considerate to the necessities and preferences of the addressed population and presents The Integral Hip Hop Methodology as an example.

Japanese abstract:



サリフ グルベイ




スペインの亡命希望の若者に7か月間音楽療法の介入をしたところ、最も効果的な介入ツールはヒップホップ関連の介入であることがわかった。この研究から新しい介入モデル、「統合的ヒップホップ法(インテグラル ヒップホップ メソード)」が生まれた。本稿では、介入モデルが対象となる人々の必要性や嗜好を考慮し魅力的なものであることの重要性を強調しており、その一例として「統合的ヒップホップ法」を紹介しています。



Biographie de l'auteur-e

Salih Gulbay, Independent Researcher, Barcelona, Spain

After graduating from Bilkent University Department of Psychology, he started to use music as a prevention and intervention tool for mental health. He has worked with people who have had various traumatic experiences in many different projects worldwide. In Catalan Conservatory Music Therapy Master's Degree, he started to specialize in Hip Hop Music as a therapy tool for trauma interventions for youth. He is currently carrying out the “Hip Hop Project In" project in Barcelona to protect the psychological health of youth at risk and address their post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Photo of author Salih Gulbay



Comment citer

Gulbay, S. (2021). Exploring the Use of Hip Hop-Based Music Therapy to Address Trauma in Asylum Seeker and Unaccompanied Minor Migrant Youth. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21(3). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v21i3.3192



Reflections on Practice