Adjusting the Pitch

An Ethnographic Exploration of Action Learning in an International Music Exchange Project


  • Deborah Parker Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy
  • Dario Gentili Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy
  • Henry Brown Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy
  • Alberto Balducci Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy



community music, psycho-social support, music therapy, refugees, social change, action learning, resilience, international cooperation


Adjusting the Pitch: Eine ethnographische Untersuchung des handlungsorientierten Lernens in einem internationalen Musikaustauschprojekt


Dieser Artikel skizziert die achtjährige Entwicklung des Projektes „Music and Resilience“. Das Projekt ist eine internationale Kooperation zwischen einer palästinensischen NGO im Libanon und einer italienischen CBO, mit dem Ziel, Musikressourcen mit und für die Flüchtlingsgemeinschaften im Libanon aufzubauen.

Dieses Paper wird epistemologisch untermauert durch Ethnographie, Soziologie, Psychologie und Community-Musikpädagogik. Es schildert und analysiert die Entwicklung des Projekts als eine vielschichtige, organisch orientierte Antwort auf den spezifischen geopolitischen und sozialen Kontext und wie kontinuierliches Monitoring und Evaluation die notwendigen "Anpassungen" (Adjustments) der "Spielweise" (Pitch) beeinflussen. Die Autor:innen greifen auf die Erfahrungen und Forschungen zurück, die "Music and Resilience" angeregt hat. Verwendet wird das Paradigma des Action Learning im Rahmen der Theorie des sozialen Wandels. Es werden auf diese Weise "Kernpunkte" identifiziert, die für die interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit im Allgemeinen relevant sind.


Deborah Parker, Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy

Deborah Parker (MA music therapy), coordinator of the music therapy action, is a cellist and music therapist with extensive artistic, clinical, teaching and research experience, who has published in the field of music therapy and presented at conferences internationally. She is an associate of Prima Materia, active both professionally and as a volunteer; her participation in “Music and Resilience” is in this latter capacity. 

Dario Gentili, Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy

Dario Gentili (MA Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology), is coordinator of the Community Music action, with research experience about the Palestinian question in the OPT and Lebanon. He is an associate of Prima Materia, active both professionally and as a volunteer; his participation in “Music and Resilience” is in this latter capacity. 

Henry Brown, Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy

Henry Brown (D.Phil Music), the project’s musical director, is a composer, pianist and conductor, who has developed a vast repertoire of arranged music for instrumental groups. He is an associate of Prima Materia, active both professionally and as a volunteer; his participation in “Music and Resilience” is in this latter capacity. 

Alberto Balducci, Associazione Prima Materia, Montespertoli, Italy

Alberto Balducci is a music therapist, coordinator of the Psycho-social Support action. He is an associate of Prima Materia, active both professionally and as a volunteer; his participation in “Music and Resilience” is in this latter capacity. 

Picture of the four authors Parker, Gentili, Brown and Balducci




Parker, D., Gentili, D., Brown, H., & Balducci, A. (2021). Adjusting the Pitch: An Ethnographic Exploration of Action Learning in an International Music Exchange Project. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21(2).



Reflections on Practice