An Exploration into the Perception of Music Interventions in Hospitals amongst Healthcare Professionals


  • Naomi Elisabeth Mary Chadder


hospitals, music, music therapy, attitudes, healthcare professionals


In order to raise awareness of how music can be used beneficially in hospitals, it is necessary to further understand the perception of music interventions amongst those working in this setting. A mixed methods approach was employed. Thirty-one healthcare professionals completed an online survey or interview asking how much live music existed in hospitals, their knowledge of music interventions, and expected effects. Attitudes towards introducing live music, where this would be appropriate, and willingness to learn more were also investigated. Four participants also took part in a follow up study. Live music was found to be uncommon, with no standardised internal system to enable it. Participants had little knowledge of research surrounding the use of music in medical settings. However, only 36% of this sample of healthcare professionals were willing to learn more.

Observing a music session had a significant effect on the perception of the efficacy of music. Having observed a live session, healthcare professionals thought it would have a long term benefit to patients. There was interest in increasing the amount of live music on the ward and integrating a music therapist into the healthcare team. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of increasing awareness of music interventions amongst healthcare professionals, through observing music sessions and presenting evidence of the benefits of these during training programmes and Continued Professional Development (CPD) in order to create a more positive perception of music within hospitals.


Naomi Elisabeth Mary Chadder

Graduated from the University of York with a first class BA(Hons) in music. I have worked as a Community Musician, Instrumental Teacher and Support Worker in a supported living environment for people with learning disabilities. I have recently started the MA in Music Therapy at Anglia Ruskin University.

Zusätzliche Dateien




Chadder, N. E. M. (2019). An Exploration into the Perception of Music Interventions in Hospitals amongst Healthcare Professionals. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 19(1). Abgerufen von


