

  • Victoria Scotti Independent Scholar and Author, Art Therapist
  • Nancy Gerber Drexel University






この博士論文の目的は、アートベース・リサーチの方法を用いて、母になる移行期の段階にある初産婦の、言葉では表現しがたい経験を探求することである。初めて母になることに伴う具体的、感情的、感覚的な多面にわたる経験は、圧倒的で言葉に表すことが難しいもので、新たに母となる自分自身と子どもの関係の感じ取り方に大きな影響を及ぼす(Crossley, 2009; Lintott & Sander-Staudt, 2011; Prinds et al., 2014)。


最後のシンセシスは特徴的な演劇であるが、これは母親になるという言葉を超えた経験に、表現する手段と美的な力を与えることを目指している。本研究は、従来のアートベース・リサーチの原理に基づき(Leavy, 2009, 2015)、研究の厳格さと視覚/演劇芸術の美的な力とを密接に結びつけると同時に、母親になることに関する既存の仮定や思い込み、また文化的な固定観念に疑問を投げかけ、利害関係者に結果を広めている。

Author Biographies

Victoria Scotti, Independent Scholar and Author, Art Therapist

Victoria Scotti, PhD. is an art therapist, artist, independent arts-based researcher, and a lecturer. Her multidisciplinary work centers around women´s and children´s lived experiences which she investigates from the perspectives of art therapy, the fine arts, and arts-based research. She recently graduated from Drexel University, Philadelphia, with a PhD in Creative Arts Therapies. With Patricia Leavy, she is the author of Low-fat love stories (Sense, 2017).

Nancy Gerber, Drexel University

Nancy Gerber, Ph.D, ATR-BC is  an Associate Clinical Professor and Art Psychotherapist. She is currently the author and director of the Ph.D Program in Creative Arts Therapies and former Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Art Therapy at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.  She has presented and published on art therapy assessment and treatment, doctoral education for art therapists, mixed methods research, and arts-based research.  Dr. Gerber was the first recipient of the Distinguished Educator’s Award from the American Art Therapy Association. She currently chairs a task force on Doctoral Education for Art Therapists for the American Art Therapy Association, serves on the Research and Education Committees for AATA, and is a former interim board member and conference program coordinator for the Mixed Methods International Research Association.



How to Cite

Scotti, V., & Gerber, N. (2017). 母親への移行段階における言葉に表せない体験(beyond_words)を、視覚的・演劇的なアートを通して描写する. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v17i3.924



Exploring the Spaces Between Performance and Health