Community Musiktherapie in den Vereinigten Staaten: Eine thematische Analyse


  • Kathleen M. Murphy State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, NY, USA
  • Viggo Krüger University of Bergen/NORCE, GAMUT – The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, Norway
  • Noah Pomerselig Abilities First School, USA
  • Brynjulf Stige Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Rhé Washington-Guillemet Purple Note Music Therapy, LLC, USA



Musiktherapie; Ausbildung; Präventionsarbeit; Jugendliche; Weiterbildung


Die Praktiken der Community Music Therapy (CoMT) entwickeln sich in der internationalen Musiktherapiegemeinschaft weiter. Über die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Musiktherapie unter dem Aspekt der CoMT in den Vereinigten Staaten wurde jedoch noch nicht viel geschrieben. Nur eine Handvoll veröffentlichter Studien und klinischer Berichte beschreiben Musiktherapieprogramme, die scheinbar in einen CoMT-Rahmen passen. Im Vergleich zu traditionelleren Ansätzen in der musiktherapeutischen Praxis sind CoMT-Praktiken in den Vereinigten Staaten unterrepräsentiert. Diese thematische Analyse auf der Grundlage einer hermeneutischen Methode wurde durchgeführt, um einen Dialog mit Musiktherapeut:innen zu beginnen, die ihre musiktherapeutische Praxis in den Rahmen der CoMT einordnen. Ziel ist es, das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wie die CoMT-Prinzipien im US-amerikanischen Gesundheits- und Bildungssystem umgesetzt werden. Wir befragten 6 staatlich geprüfte Musiktherapeut:innen und baten sie, 1) CoMT zu definieren, 2) die Rollenbeziehungen (Therapeut:in, Klient:in und Gemeinschaft) zu erklären und 3) darüber zu spekulieren, wie ihr Arbeitsansatz die Gesundheitspolitik und den Zugang zu Dienstleistungen in den Vereinigten Staaten beeinflussen könnte. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass partizipatorische, performative und soziale Handlungselemente der CoMT in der klinischen Arbeit der befragten Musiktherapeut:innen offensichtlich sind und, dass es einen Platz für CoMT-Praktiken innerhalb des Gesundheitssystems der Vereinigten Staaten gibt.


Kathleen M. Murphy, State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, NY, USA

Kathy Murphy, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC, is the Program Director, Music Therapy Graduate Studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She is an active clinician, supervisor, and researcher with over 35 years of clinical experience. Kathy completed the Rhythm, Breathe & Lullaby NICU Music Therapy training and is a fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery and has a particular interest in the use of group GIM in addictions treatment. She has authored book chapters and journal articles. Additionally, she has presented nationally and internationally on a variety of topics related to music therapy clinical practice and issues related to education and professional well-being. Kathy’s research interests are focused on music therapy in substance dependence across the lifespan, trauma, and community music therapy. She is a member of the Association for Music and Imagery and serves on the professional development committee. She is also a member of the International Association for Music and Medicine and the American Music Therapy Association where she has served in leadership positions on the state, regional and national levels.

Viggo Krüger, University of Bergen/NORCE, GAMUT – The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, Norway

Viggo Krüger, Phd., works as research leader and associate professor at Grieg academy research center, University of Bergen, and NORCE (Norwegian research center). Krüger has published books, book chapters and articles on topics such as child welfare, education and mental health. He is member of the editorial board for “Journal of Applied Arts and Health) and “Norwegian child welfare” (2014-2020). He is member of the sensor team for music and music therapy studies, Aalborg university, Denmark. He was chair of Norwegian Music Therapy Association, Norway (2014-2019). Krüger has more that 20 years of experience with community music therapy work for adolescents, in schools, child welfare and mental health. He is also a full time member of Norwegian Grammy winner band, Pogo pops.

Noah Pomerselig, Abilities First School, USA

Noah Pomerselig is a Board-Certified Music Therapist working at Abilities First School in Poughkeepsie, New York, USA. Noah is passionate about helping individuals participate in musical experiences in an accessible and meaningful way. His work with children with disabilities is grounded in a resource-oriented and person-center approach to music therapy that builds on the strengths of the participants. Noah graduated in 2021 from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a MS in Music Therapy.

Brynjulf Stige, Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, University of Bergen, Norway

BRYNJULF STIGE, PhD, is Professor of Music Therapy at The Grieg Academy, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway. He was the founding editor of Nordic Journal of Music Therapy from 1992-2006 and founding co-editor of Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy from 2001-2020. Also, Stige was the founding leader of GAMUT – The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Center, UiB/NORCE from 2006-2019 and the co-founding leader of The Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies from 2010-2012. Since 2015 he is the founding leader of POLYFON Knowledge Cluster for Music Therapy, a university-community collaboration that explores knowledge-informed and user-involved ways of developing the discipline and profession of music therapy in Norway. He has published extensively on topics such as culture-centered music therapy, community music therapy, and music therapy theory. Among his current interest is the exploration of if and how processes of professionalization and democratic participation can be combined. 

Rhé Washington-Guillemet, Purple Note Music Therapy, LLC, USA

Rhé Washington-Guillemet is a native of Chicago, IL – with deep New Orleans creole roots. Lifelong musician who began playing the piano at 4 years old – he is an accomplished pianist, vocalist, composer, arranger, and mallet percussionist. Rhé studied music through his formative years and attended NYU and Berklee School of Music. Through the years he has worked on many projects including stage, session work, commercials, corporate and private engagements. Has 2 solo albums to his credit, and is working on a third. Rhé has performed in orchestras, symphonic bands, jazz bands, night clubs and churches across many genres - throughout the United States and abroad. In 2015 he pursued a career in music therapy and received a master’s degree in Music Therapy from the Loyola University of New Orleans in 2018. Currently, he is working as a music therapist in the New Orleans/Baton Rouge area and has a private practice – Purple Note Music Therapy, LLC

Photo of the five authors Kathleen M. Murphy, Viggo Krüger, Noah Pomerselig, Brynjulf Stige and Rhé Washington-Guillemet





Murphy, K. M., Krüger V., Pomerselig, N., Stige, B., & Washington-Guillemet, R. (2023). Community Musiktherapie in den Vereinigten Staaten: Eine thematische Analyse. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 23(1).


