Five International Models of Music Therapy Practice


  • Barbara L. Wheeler
  • Gabriela Wagner
  • Lisa Summer Anna Maria College; Paxton, MA U.S.A.
  • Clifford Madsen Flordia State University
  • Alan Turry Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy
  • Johannes Th. Eschen


Author Biographies

Lisa Summer, Anna Maria College; Paxton, MA U.S.A.

Lisa Summer, PhD, LMHC, MT-BC, Fellow for the Association for Music & Imagery Professor/Director of Music Therapy; Anna Maria College; Paxton, MA  U.S.A.

Clifford Madsen, Flordia State University

Clifford Madsen, the Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Music at Florida State University, is Coordinator of Music Education/Music Therapy/Contemporary Media and teaches in the areas of music education, music therapy, research, and psychology of music. He serves on various international and national editorial and research boards and is widely published throughout scholarly journals in music education and therapy.

Alan Turry, Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy

Alan Turry, DA, MT-BC, earned his Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees in Music Therapy from New York University. He is the Managing Director of the Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy as well as researcher, senior clinician, level III trainer/educator and supervisor for advanced trainees and therapists. As Managing Director, Dr. Turry oversees the day to day functioning of the Center, which includes a wide range of administrative, research, clinical and educational responsibilities. He is the Clinical Director and directs the training and research components of the Center.



How to Cite

Wheeler, B. L., Wagner, G., Summer, L., Madsen, C., Turry, A., & Eschen, J. T. (2012). Five International Models of Music Therapy Practice. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 12(1).



World Congresses of Music Therapy