Exploring a Perspective on the Nature of Music and Health as they Relate to the Bonny Method: A Response to Summer’s (1992) Music: The Aesthetic Elixir
This essay provides a response to the retrospective posting of Lisa Summer's article Music: The Aesthetic Elixir in the present issue of Voices. The response is based upon an exploratory, theoretical “lens” concerning a way of understanding music both as a way of being together aesthetically in time, and as a dimension of health. This understanding of music is subsequently applied to an expansion upon Summer's perspectives on the Bonny Method.
How to Cite
Abrams, B. (2010). Exploring a Perspective on the Nature of Music and Health as they Relate to the Bonny Method: A Response to Summer’s (1992) Music: The Aesthetic Elixir. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v10i3.499
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