Familiarity, Comfortableness and Predictability of Song as "Holding Environment" for Mothers of Premature Babies


  • Lia Rejane Mendes Barcellos




This paper results from my insertion into a research team which studies "The Music Therapy Influence on Exclusive Breastfeeding", led by the Music Therapist Martha Negreiros, at the Maternity School of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. As music therapy supervisor it was possible for me to take part in one session of the clinical practice with mothers of premature babies, and to think about familiarity and predictability of songs - which result in comfort - as characteristics which contribute to uphold the mothers who need to be stronger to support their babies. These ideas are discussed based on Adorno (1989), Middleton (1990) and Carvalho's (1999) thoughts. The final considerations pointed out that the popular song re-creation is an important musical experience for this kind of patient, and the lullabies re-creation constitutes the most adequate music therapy technique to be employed with these mothers.



How to Cite

Barcellos, L. R. M. (2006). Familiarity, Comfortableness and Predictability of Song as "Holding Environment" for Mothers of Premature Babies. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v6i1.243


