Learning how to learn: The role of music and other expressive arts in responding to Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) in the STALWARTS project


  • Viggo Krüger The Grieg Academy - Dept. of Music, University of Bergen
  • Macedo Eunice University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Centre for Research andIntervention in Education, Porto
  • Anna Rita Addessi University of Bologna
  • Eha Rüütel Tallinn University
  • Catherine Warner University of the West of England, Faculty of Health and Applied Science, Department of Health and Social Sciences, Bristol
  • Alexandra Carvalho University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Centre for Research and Intervention in Education, Porto
  • Leslie Bunt University of the West of England, Faculty of Health and Applied Science, Department of Health and Social Sciences, Bristol



Parole chiave:

School, Education, ELET, Music, Music therapy, Expressive arts, Inter-professional approach


This project report describes policy, practice and theory related to a cross-sectoral international project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. STALWARTS– Sustaining Teachers and Learners with the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools–aimed to promote relational health in schools through engagement with the arts. The project was developed in five European countries: Estonia, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and the UK. The local partnerships between five universities and community-based schools are diverse in terms of their locations in the European region and the populations they serve, in terms of age, social status and learning conditions.

In this article we focus on the link between ELET policies in each country and local context. We ask: How can identified ELET policy initiatives in the five partner countries relate to the achievements of the STALWARTS partner schools when working with the expressive arts? Some related theoretical background underpinning the practical aspects of the project brings this report to a conclusion.



Come citare

Krüger, V., Eunice, M., Addessi, A. R., Rüütel, E., Warner, C., Carvalho, A., & Bunt, L. (2020). Learning how to learn: The role of music and other expressive arts in responding to Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) in the STALWARTS project. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 20(3), 17. https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v20i3.3084


