La devise de l'imagination: Le leadership et les arts dans la transformation sociale


  • Alpha M Woodward Marywood University, PA


Mots-clés :

musicothérapie, imagination, transformation sociale, devise sociale, courage,


Une réflexion personnelle de la façon dont l'esthétique et/ou capacités artistiques offrent la résilience pour le changement social et les expériences de transformation personnelle.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Alpha M Woodward, Marywood University, PA

Alpha Woodward, PhD, is currently serving as Assistant Professor and Interim Director of Music Therapy at Marywood University, PA, USA.Prior to taking this position, she served as the Course Director at the University of Limerick in Ireland for the MA in Music Therapy program.Her 16 years of  clinical experience includes 12 years at Providence Health Care in Vancouver, B.C.and 4 years of humanitarian fieldwork providing clinical and strategic leadership to the Music Therapy project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  This project focused on children and youth traumatized by armed conflict.Her research interest is lies at the axis of cultures in transition and arts-based leadership.  She has been teaching at the graduate level in Music Therapy since 2010.




Comment citer

Woodward, A. M. (2016). La devise de l’imagination: Le leadership et les arts dans la transformation sociale. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 16(3).



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