Supportive Music and Imagery Method


  • Sumi Paik-Maier


Mots-clés :

Guided Imagery and Music, Supportive Music and Imagery


The Supportive Music and Imagery Method is derived from the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM). It uses one piece of pre-recorded music that is short and simple in all musical elements and non-classical music is often used.It aims at enhancing one’s ego by supporting one’s positive resource rather than exploring problems and issues. It is containing and highly structured compared to BMGIM and it focuses on the here-and-now.

I will introduce how the SMI method is conducted by illustrating a few case examples supervised by me and conducted by graduates and trainees of the Music and Imagery training in Korea.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Sumi Paik-Maier

Sumi Paik-Maier, MA, MT-BC, FAMI is Adjunct Clinical Supervisor at Anna Maria College and Co-Director of the GIM training at Ewha Womans University in South Korea and maintains a music therapy private practice in London where she lives.   Paik-Maier received her M.A. in Music Therapy from New York University, USA, and had her GIM training with Madelain Ventre at the Creative Therapies Institute, N.Y., USA. She has worked with adult psychiatric population, children with developmental disabilities, neurologically impaired patients and ‘normal’ adults. She taught music therapy at Anna Maria College, Massachusetts, USA, as an Assistant Professor of Music Therapy (1998 - 2000). Since 2005, she has been teaching and supervising with Lisa Summer at the Music and Imagery Training in Korea. In addition she is currently working on a PhD on the Supportive Music and Imagery method at The Tavistock and Portman-University of East London, London, England. Email:




Comment citer

Paik-Maier, S. (2010). Supportive Music and Imagery Method. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 10(3).