Helen Bonny as Teacher, Mentor and Supervisor


  • Roberta Wigle Justice




Six individuals who trained with Helen Bonny over the years were asked to reflect on their perceptions of her as as a teacher, a mentor and a supervisor. The experience of these individuals spans the time period of Helen's training, from her first training sessions to her retirement from training. At the Bonny Foundation, they took a three level training; Helen Lindquist Bonny was Director of the Bonny Foundation; Lisa Summer was Director of the GIM Training; Frances Goldberg was Primary Trainer.

We asked each person to address several topics specifically, with some general reflections and memories which the author synthesized into an overview. 

What has emerged from the memories of the seven people contributing to this reflection is a picture of a multifaceted person and her style of teaching, including three outstanding characteristics of Helen. Their valuable insights were in relation to Helen in three roles: teacher in the training seminars, individual supervisor and individual mentor.

Biografía del autor/a

Roberta Wigle Justice

Roberta W. Justice, MM, MT-BC, FAMI  has over thirty five years of clinical experience in inpatient, outpatient and partial hospital psychiatric programs, nursing facilities and special education settings. Since 1999, she has taught in the Music therapy program at Eastern Michigan University, and has served for eight years on the Editorial Board for Music Therapy Perspectives. She trained with the Bonny Foundation from 1988 to 1998, when she became a fellow of AMI. Her publications can be found as articles in professional journals and chapters of professional books.



Cómo citar

Justice, R. W. (2010). Helen Bonny as Teacher, Mentor and Supervisor. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v10i3.498