Musical Preferences of Argentines and Uruguayans Living in Australia: Implications for Music Therapy Clinical Practice


  • Christobel C Moore
  • Felicity A Baker University of Queensland



This article provides an overview of the elements that impact on the cultural identity of Argentines and Uruguayans in Australia, their relationship to music and the implications for music therapy clinical practice. A survey collected quantitative data on musical preferences and qualitative data on what respondents associated with different genres. The final sample of 12 respondents was not representative of the Australian communities, but collected data was congruent with the reviewed literature and significant internal consistency was observed. Classical music, ballads, folk and tango had the highest preference across age groups with consistent associations on musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal and abstract levels.


Christobel C Moore

Christobel Moore completed her Masters of Music Therapy at the University of Queensland, Australia, after living in Argentina and Uruguay from the age of seven. She completed her undergraduate degree in music performance at the Universidad de la República, Uruguay, where she also worked as a music teacher and performed as a solo flautist. At the same time, she taught English as a second language. Her interest in cross-cultural experiences stems from these experiences and six years training in Social Anthropology. In 2008 she won the Denise Grocke Award for excellence in presentation at the Australian Music Therapy Association’s National Conference for her presentation on incorporating culturally appropriate music into music therapy practice in aged care. She has recently been working in music therapy with migrant and refugee populations in Brisbane, Australia.

Felicity A Baker, University of Queensland

Felicity Baker, PhD is senior lecturer, program director of music therapy training, and Director of Research at The School of Music, The University of Queensland. She is currently editor of The Australian Music Therapy Association. She has a number of publications in music therapy and interdisciplinary journals.




Moore, C. C., & Baker, F. A. (2010). Musical Preferences of Argentines and Uruguayans Living in Australia: Implications for Music Therapy Clinical Practice. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 9(1).



Theoretical Articles