Recounting a Dream about Music, Language and Submitting an Abstract for Voices


  • Antony Gee King's College London, UK
  • The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett (DVoMB) Independent agent of the artist researcher Mike Barrett



Hi Mike .... I had the idea yesterday to submit some of my music pieces as part of an abstract submission to "Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy to explore the topic of language and power in music therapy. " posted yesterday.

These are the starting lines of the abstract. The entire submission can be found in the PDF which includes the entire abstract-submission and review process. This submission is in two parts. The first part is the original abstract which was considered as a complete submission. Part 1 contains a proactive engagement with The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett. The second part is the dialogue between the reviewer, lead author, and editors during the review process.

Author Biographies

Antony Gee, King's College London, UK

Tony Gee is a musician and scientist. As scientist -he smashes atoms to make new radioactive nuclei, tags them onto interesting molecules and follows their adventures in the human body. His music/arts practices encompasses writing and recording music and soundscapes in multi-people collaborations. His music agent is called Redfish.

The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett (DVoMB), Independent agent of the artist researcher Mike Barrett

The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett (DVoMB) is one of the independent agents of the artist researcher Mike Barrett and with a character not unlike the Pooka spirit in the Frank Capra film Harvey. In fact the DVoMB and Prof Tony Gee have a similar relationship* to that of Elmer P Dowd and Harvey, although with less drinking in bars. The DVoMB has no academic qualifications but is a good listener and even at better noticing what is usually overlooked. This paper will be a debut publication.

*Prof Gee and the artist Mike Barrett also collaborate in research activities that bring together the perspectives and methodologies of art and science.

Photo of the Antony Gee and The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett




How to Cite

Gee, A., & The disembodied voice of Mike Barrett (DVoMB). (2022). Recounting a Dream about Music, Language and Submitting an Abstract for Voices. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 22(3).