Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Response

As we see the shocking images from the major earthquake and tsunami in Japan, many of us are worried about our colleagues in Japan.

If you are trying to locate family and friends in Japan, keep in mind that the International Committee of the Red Cross maintains an online database called Family Links. Assuming internet access is available, please encourage friends/family to use that site at http://www.icrc.org/familylinks

The Commission for Global Crisis Intervention of the World Federation of Music Therapy has a Facebook page called Music Therapy Global Care which aims to help with communication and information and to support music therapists interested in serving individuals experiencing traumas and losses as a result of natural disasters.

In the States AMTA is conducting welfare inquiries to assess the status and needs of colleagues in Japan. If you have been directly or indirectly affected by this event please feel free to notify AMTA Disaster Response Coordinator, Barbara Else, at else@musictherapy.org or email AMTA at info@musictherapy.org. Music Therapy training program directors in the U.S. may refer MT Students from Japan who may be affected by this event to Barbara Else should they have questions or require support/assistance.

How to cite this page

Voices (2011). Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Response. Voices Resources. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://testvoices.uib.no/community/?q=country-of-the-month/2011-japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-response

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