Overcoming the crisis...

Crisis. This word has been in the media much too often. Can anything be done in the time of crisis? Or would it be better to wait for the end of it? Being pelted with bad news by the media surely has a bad effect on many people. Still, it’s good to know at such moments that the crisis is in the banks, not in us.

Together with some students and a group of fellow-therapists we have decided not to wait until the crisis is over. We have decided to create an Art Therapy Centre, which has been my dream for years. Music therapy in my town for too long has been merely part of a student course or the kind of therapy available only in special institutions or hospitals. Teaching music therapy and organizing workshops with the students and other people I was frequently asked why there is no place in town where everyone could benefit from music therapy, including those with serious mental disorders or the disabled. A place where you could develop your potential, explore your own self, find out about methods of relaxation and coping with emotions, take part in collective improvisation. At the very moment such a place is coming into existence. A haven where, apart from handicapped persons, everyone who feels like it could come. Children, adolescents and adults.

We have decided not to wait until better days come to build and create. There is no sign of crisis in our heads after all. And though we have no money we have decided to build, literally and figuratively.

Our enthusiasm and commitment (enthusiasm infects!) have been noticed by the local authorities, who have suggested a venue. This is a big one-storey building, accessible to people in wheelchairs. Available free of charge for three years. Of course there’s no rose without a thorn. It has one big defect - it is in terrible condition. Fortunately, this doesn’t put us off. We have already found companies which offer materials to renovate the rooms. Volunteers have come forward who are willing to turn into bricklayers and painters after school or work at school or university. No money, but the work continues. Every day we make some progress. OUR Art Therapy Centre is taking shape. Everyone wants to make some contribution. Now we all are workers, bricklayers, painters and interior designers. We are all in it: the therapists and the volunteers. We are up to something special, something shared, something which is going to be "ours". Many of us are realising their dreams. This brings people together and make up new relations. It gives us a feeling that we are creating something very important. Not only in the physical sense but also in the sphere of human relationships. All this hammering, wall scraping, singing, laughter and jokes is a bit like our community music therapy.

We have already opened two workshops: a pottery room and an artistic glass room. Work on the theatre room is coming to an end; there will be lectures on drama therapy and dance therapy there. In a month a room for music therapy will be ready. While designing the Centre we have tried to remember about everybody. We want everyone to benefit from visiting the Centre, that is why the parents of children attending art therapy sessions will be able to take part in a relaxation and/or music imagery session or attend active forms of music or art therapy. Or maybe simply to listen to music and talk.

The first volunteers came from the local residents (mainly young people) and students. New ideas are constantly emerging, new people are coming, who are willing to join us in our activities, learn or experience something. These young people start in the same way as we did. Now they are helping with the renovation. Soon some of them will be given much more serious tasks: help and assistance during the therapies. When I look at their enthusiasm and commitment I feel overjoyed that we are going to work together.

I am sure that for some of these young people this whole thing is going to be a beginning of an adventure with music therapy. Now they are volunteers, they are helping and studying. I hope that in a few years’ time we will meet the best of them at the music therapy classes. I will be very proud to have them as my students.

At the moment, when I turn on TV and once again I hear news about the crisis, I think to myself: Do we have a crisis? No, certainly not!

How to cite this page

Stachyra, Krzysztof (2009). Overcoming the crisis.... Voices Resources. Retrieved January 15, 2015, from http://testvoices.uib.no/community/?q=colstachyra040509