Voices Welcomes Interviews

By Krzysztof Stachyra

Articles help us gain scientific knowledge just as interviews let us to meet people, who are creators of the knowledge. You can support Voices by helping us to set up interviews with music therapists who do interesting work.

At present, we are preparing a new interview series called “Famous People,” about a number of historically important music therapists whom many of us knew and worked, but there is a risk that the next generation will not know. You can help us in the development of the world music therapy community's knowledge about well-known and not so well-known music therapists, music healers, musicians and other colleagues supportive of music therapy by interviewing them. We also welcome historical information about the development or transformation of music therapy in your region.

Please let us know of anyone who you might be interested in interviewing or of other ideas for an interview by contacting one of the Interview Co-Editors, Leslie Bunt, UK (Leslie.Bunt@uwe.ac.uk), Barbara Wheeler, USA (barbara.wheeler@louisville.edu) and Krzysztof Stachyra, Poland (muzykoterapia@interia.pl).