Voices Welcomes Interviews
As you can see our interview Voices� section is bigger and bigger and it makes us more and more satisfied. You can read about world Music Therapy Conferences and music therapists working in the different parts of the world. At present, we are preparing a new interview series about a number of historically important music therapists whom many of us knew and worked with but there is a risk that the next generation will not know. You can help us in the development of the world music therapy community's knowledge about interesting well-known music therapists and lesser-known but interesting music therapists or music healers, by interviewing them. We would also welcome historical information about the development or transformation of music therapy in your region.
Please let us know of anyone that you might be interested in interviewing or of other ideas for an interview by contacting one of the Interview Co-Editors, Leslie Bunt, UK (Leslie.Bunt@uwe.ac.uk), Barbara Wheeler, USA (barbara.wheeler@louisville.edu) and Krzysztof Stachyra, Poland (muzykoterapia@interia.pl).